School News

Does Spending Money for REALTORS Lead to Success?

- May 26, 2010      Archive

In the REALTOR national magazine May issue in a survey of REALTORS, it showed that agents who earn $10,000 to $25,000 in 2009 spent a lean $2,220 that year in business expense. By contrast, those that earned $100,000 and $150,000 spent $18,000, and those with gross income of more than $150,000 shelled out $35,750.

The same principle held true for real estate Web sites; REALTORS who spent less than $500 per year on their site said that it generated just 5% of their business, but those that spent more than $1,000 said their site brought in nearly a fifth of their business.

What this basically says is that real estate agents what want to succeed need to treat their business as any business. Agents have to invest in advertising those things that are going to pay a return. You can expect business to just come in the door.

According to the survey, the real estate agents that have the most longevity made the most money. Real estate agents that are going to survive for the long haul, develop their referral systems and programs and as a result are going to survive the down turn in the market. It takes work, patience, creativity and perseverance to be the “real pro” in the real estate business, but isn’t that usually the case in every business?

Frank Cooke

Cooke Real Estate School